Queen City Kendo Club

Queen City Kendo Club

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Photos from ECUSKF Joint Practice

Joint practices are an opportunity to meet and practice with top-ranked Kendo instructors from the East Central US Kendo Federation. It's also a time to make new friends and renew contact with old Kendo friends.

Striking drills at the Corryville Recreation Center

Lots of young Kendoists hard at work

Final comments after the Beginner's practice
Here are some potos of the ECUSKF Joint Practice. We had participants from around our region of the country meeting at the Corryville Recreation Center for a Beginner’s and an Advanced practice on Sunday Aug 19. It was great to see the large number of beginners and a large number of young people who were with us.

After-practice gathering

After practice everyone got together at the Rookwood Center for refreshments and relaxation!