Queen City Kendo Club

Queen City Kendo Club

Monday, November 2, 2020

Future Online Kendo Practices


Hello everyone,

When the COVID situation first started going on, my thoughts was that we would just need to do all that we needed to do and then we'd be right at practice again within a few months.  Obviously, that has not been the case, and none of us are sure when things will improve to the point where we will all be able to practice Kendo in person again.

Despite us not being able to practice in person for a while, I think that it's safe to say that the Kendo bug still remains strong with the desire to get to crossing swords again and enjoying all that Kendo has to offer.  While we can't exactly do that, I can propose starting up online practices so that we all don't have to start up again at zero from not doing much for at least a year.

At this point, I don't have a concrete structure on what all of the practices will entail due to this being new territory, but I know I can at least start off with the basics to get us back into things, and then dive into some of the things that I have been thinking about over the last few months.

At the moment, this practice is going to be geared more towards people that already have practice experience, but anyone is welcome to watch (though I guess it will also depend on how many people are able to be in one online session, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it).  I may add practices for those that have no experience in the future once I can formulate a plan for that.

I don't have a set day that I want to hold these, but I'm thinking either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday starting at 7 and going for about an hour.  Lemme know what y'all think and I will update everyone once I get the ball rolling!

Chris George